Grant call: scaling up locally led restoration

Opening date for Concept Notes13 May 2024
Grant typeProgramme grant
Grant size£1,000,000 to £1,500,000 (GBP)
Expected number of grantsUp to nine
Duration of grantsFour years (to be confirmed at Full Proposal - Stage 2)
Expected project start date1 February 2025

This call is now closed.

REDAA invites proposals for locally led, multi-locational, research-to-action for restoration programmes in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia. In this second REDAA Grant Call, up to nine Programme Grants of between £1,000,000 and £1,500,000 (GBP) will be offered to the best proposals for substantial programmes.  Full details of the grant call are available in the Guidance for Applicants document.

Grants will fund programmes of four years, with implementation of these programmes expected to begin on 1 February 2025. Grants will be awarded via a two-stage proposal process: Stage 1 for Concept Notes; followed by Stage 2 for Full Proposals. Only applicants who are successful at Stage 1 will be invited to submit Full Proposals in Stage 2.

On 23 May 2024, the REDAA team hosted a webinar for potential grant applicants. A recording of this event is now available, along with a write-up of the question-and-answer session. The webinar details what kind of research-to-action initiatives this grant call will fund, who is eligible to apply, and the process for submitting an application.

Find below more information about the grant call.

Key regions and environments

Proposed programmes will be focused in one of the following 6 regions and environments:



The Sahel in western and north-central Africa Semi-arid Sahelian savannah 
West Africa Farm-forest landscape or wetland 
Central AfricaForest or dryland or wetland
Southern AfricaUrban or peri-urban 
Southeast AsiaPeatlands in farm-forest landscape or peri-urban or coastal lands, including mangroves
South AsiaMountain or peri-urban or coastal lands, including mangroves

The distribution of up to nine grants across these regions will depend on the quality of proposals – we hope to award at least one grant in each region.

Full details on country eligibility under each region and environment can be found on page 11-12 of the Guidance for Applicants document.

Programme requirements

All programmes should:

  • Involve research-to-action for ecosystem restoration in more than one location and these locations may be in more than one country in the region. Proposals will describe the rationale for the choice of locations and the scale of operations in them
  • Include rigorous research and its translation into effective engagement with, and improvement of, inclusive decision-making at policy level
  • Strengthen local research-to-action capability and leadership of such capability
  • Expect to achieve specified positive outcomes for nature (improvement and/or restoration), climate (mitigation and/or adaptation), and people (local livelihoods, gender equality and social inclusion)
  • Include specific actions that emphasise one or more of the following: 
    • Use of legal tools to secure local rights and strengthen local nature stewardship and restoration
    • Development of finance mechanisms that support local nature stewardship and restoration, and
    • Development or strengthening of productive ecosystem-based enterprises that are sustainable, equitable and climate-resilient.

Some proposed programmes may include an on-granting initiative (grants scheme) among other planned activities, to support the capability and actions of civil society organisations, community based organisations or business entities running small locally led restoration activities. 

Requirements of lead and partner organisations

Concept Notes must name one Lead Organisation. This will be the organisation that will make an agreement with the REDAA team and receive a grant, if the proposal is successful, and will be ultimately responsible for delivery and management of the programme, including management of any partners.

Lead Organisations should be based within one of the six regions that are the focus of Grant Call 2. A minority of programmes with a Lead Organisation based outside the region or country of focus may be considered for funding if the proposals provide a strong rationale for why the organisation is not in the region, as well as demonstrating strong partnerships with locally led organisations. The Lead Organisation should partner with at least one other sub-grantee.

At a minimum, the programme should be structured as a partnership of two organisations (including the Lead Organisation) which must include a non-profit research/academic organisation and a non-profit action-oriented non-governmental organisation.

Programmes may be structured to include more partners than this minimum. In addition to the Lead Organisation and the required non-profit sub-grantee, other non-profit organisations, private sector organisations and governmental organisations can programme partners.

Organisations eligible for funding in such wider partnerships include: 

  • Other non-profit organisations, which may be non-governmental organisations, research institutions or community-based organisations
  • Private sector organisations, businesses or business associations, which may be sub-granted (or contracted via a consultancy agreement) to undertake specific planned actions for the programme, provided this partnership can demonstrate value for money in its costs and benefits to the programme.

Government agencies and inter-governmental and UN agencies are not eligible to receive funding from REDAA. However, these agencies may be vital programme partners, and REDAA encourages in-kind partnership where relevant.

Lead Organisations must be able to demonstrate that they are:

  • A non-profit organisation, which may be a non-governmental organisation, research institution or community-based organisation that is legally registered in the country in which it operates
  • Experienced in the kind of work they propose to undertake
  • Financially sound 
  • Staffed with the appropriate technical and financial capacity and expertise to manage and implement programmes successfully and deliver technical and financial reporting, and
  • Able to demonstrate proven management systems that can achieve impact with programmes at a budget scale of between £1,000,000 and £1,500,000 (GBP).

Lead Organisations must provide the last three years of audited accounts and details of average turnover (income) at Concept Note stage. The expected annual expenditure of the proposed programme must be no more than 25% of this average annual turnover/income figure.

An organisation may only lead on one proposal but may be involved as a non-leading partner in more than one proposal. Country offices of a worldwide entity will be considered as subsidiaries, even if legally registered in the country. Therefore, worldwide entities will be considered as one Lead Organisation. The Lead Organisation cannot be changed between Stage 1 (Concept Notes) and Stage 2 (Full Proposals).

Further information about REDAA is provided in the REDAA Strategy and detailed information  on the focus and eligibility for this call for proposals is provided in the Guidance for Applicants document.




Stage 1 (Concept Notes) applications open13 May 2024
Stage 1 (Concept Notes) applications close30 June 2024 23:59 (BST)
Eligibility screening, review and selection process1 July – 6 September 2024
Opening date – Stage 2 Full Proposals16 September 2024
Deadline date – Stage 2 Full Proposals 8 November 2024 23:59 (BST)
Eligibility screening, review and selection process11 November 2024
Final award notifications Early January 2025
Expected programme start date1 February 2025
Supporting links

The below links will provide useful information on how to submit an application: